Folk inspired items to your apartment


I'm a city creature. I like the move, the energy and the opportunities cities create.
I adore country; the space, the smells, colours and peace.


However, I couldn't live in a country, not yet. I am very pleased though, there are so many furniture, accessories and gadgets inspired by folk art.


On one side folk patterns and folk manufacturing methods: embroider, knitting, chisel. On the other side modern materials and production techniques. Find below some living proofs for successful marriage of folk tradition and contemporary design. These items find themselves very well in city apartments. The result: fresh, energetic, exciting and sometimes … fun.


As I do not know any moderation I will put at least 3 articles about these lovely things.


Have fun!


baba puff inspired by folk art



baba puff coverings inspired by folk art

One seat and a selection of 16 embroidered covers. Baba;


kaszebe chair inspired by folk art

Beautiful embroidery on front and engraving on back. Kaszebe;


kaszebe chair back inspiered by folk art



wall clock inspierd by folk art

For own composition. Wall clock;


nodus carpet inspierd by folk atr

Hand crafted piece of art. Nodus carpet;


nodus carpet inspiered by folk art

Nodus carpet;


colorfolk mug inspired with folk Colorfolk home accessories – mood improvers koko carpet like paper-cutting Folk inspired furniture and home accessories
polish folklore inspired pillow Decorative pillows inspired by folk art she! folklore lamp Most beautiful home accessories inspired by folk