Your private piece of the world on the floor. LANDCARPET by Florian Pucher


I am sure most of you have been able to watch aerial landscape out of the window of the plane or have seen it at satellite images on Google Maps. If not, you might have watched “Up in the air” with George Clooney; there were some nice shoots of such landscapes (mostly of the USA) at the very beginning of the film.


Have you ever thought how could these picturesque impressions be used in a decorative way, apart from taking pictures of them and hanging them on the walls? Austrian architect and designer, Florian Pucher, who works in Beijing had decided to transform them into floor coverings and designed LANCARPET rugs collection.


landcarpet europe by florian pucher

Polish design representatives in EU


Some time ago I wrote few articles about Polish Presidency of the EU Council. It was about the official souvenirs and about two elements of the image furniture collection. As you may remember these furniture fill the Presidency’s most important premises – conference rooms, offices, and places of work, leisure and informal meetings. The collection contains few kind of seats, comfortable sofas, tables and lamps. I have already presented T40 table and Genotyp lamps by Studio Rygalik.


Today I would like to tell you something about the other elements of the collection as the expiry date of our Presidency is coming.


image furniture for polish presidency in eu

Colorfolk home accessories – mood improvers


Although the autumn is quite favourable this year (no rain, no mud), it is still autumn – cold and gloomy. Apart form using light and colour therapy, I also drink to buoy up. Don't worry, it's not my coming out. I drink hot tea. Though some of you (or even majority) may find it heresy, I don't like coffee. It is not even the taste, which I think I could finally accept. It's the additive properties. I'm not going to let the cup of drink decide about my mood or energy. And it is me who decides how to train my free will. Either tea or coffee requires the appropriate arrangement. I mean mug. Fine mug reinforces the taste of the drink and increases the pleasure (sounds a bit like an erotic gadget advert – sorry).


colorfolk mugs inspired by folk art

LampyLed by Inzynieria Designu – beauty and function


Design is a great space for combinations. Combination of art and functionality. Combination of tradition and new solutions. Combination of different fascinations, approaches and skills. And sometimes, combination of personalities.


Viol from Inzynieria Designu loves ceramics and graphic arts. Pawel is keen on electricity. In this relationship designing a lamp with a hand made engraving was just a metter of time.


ledlapms by inzynieria designu