Your private piece of the world on the floor. LANDCARPET by Florian Pucher


I am sure most of you have been able to watch aerial landscape out of the window of the plane or have seen it at satellite images on Google Maps. If not, you might have watched “Up in the air” with George Clooney; there were some nice shoots of such landscapes (mostly of the USA) at the very beginning of the film.


Have you ever thought how could these picturesque impressions be used in a decorative way, apart from taking pictures of them and hanging them on the walls? Austrian architect and designer, Florian Pucher, who works in Beijing had decided to transform them into floor coverings and designed LANCARPET rugs collection.


landcarpet europe by florian pucher

Transformation chairs by Fawory as a New Year's inspiration


If developing your creativity is on your New Year's resolutions list, here's something to inspire you. It is also a proof for those who think that re-made products always look like rubbish – a proof that you are wrong! Transformation chairs by Fawory are high quality and carefully made items which would enrich your creativity as well as your interior.


The furniture we create are the form of a dialogue with a design from the 50's, 60's and 70's, a play between the form and convention. We use their form and shape but we alter the design process. The handcraft is competed by computer designing which allows to generate thousands of variants, advances thinking and provokes other types of solutions” say designers from Fawory.


transformation chairs by fawory

The Attachment glasses by GABUKOW


Have you already considered your New Year's resolutions? I have. I am going to develop my creativity, foster my energy and keep the faith. I will toast for this.


Do you know in what kind of glassware you would toast at New Year's Eve party? Most likely in champagne glass, and it's fair. Champagne and appropriate glasses are inherent in New Year's Eve tradition. However, I am not going to write about fancy or surprising glasses you could use once or few times a year. It's about the glassware that would offer you a subtle interaction between a user and an everyday use object. The Attachment glasses by GABUKOW.


the attachment glasses by gabukow

Caldo. Unique ceramic tile by TODO


It is winter theoretically, although the weather is very non-wintry in Poland. It's almost 10° C and no sign of snow. But the product I'm going to introduce today is not only an answer to winter cold and wind. It is timeless and weatherless; it breaks the barriers of centuries, seasons and design's stereotypes.

Caldo ceramic tile employs traditional technology in creation of a new form.