Caldo. Unique ceramic tile by TODO


It is winter theoretically, although the weather is very non-wintry in Poland. It's almost 10° C and no sign of snow. But the product I'm going to introduce today is not only an answer to winter cold and wind. It is timeless and weatherless; it breaks the barriers of centuries, seasons and design's stereotypes.

Caldo ceramic tile employs traditional technology in creation of a new form.



Less obvious. New approach to greenery in interior design. Moss.


If your senses need more then just looking and admiring beauty of the plants at your home you can choose one of the fantastic moss-made products.


moss carpet

Best ideas for decorating walls. Wallpapers, stickers, murals and tiles


If you are not afraid of bigger changes you may decide to decorate the whole wall or a bigger part of it. Although murals, wallpapers and tiles seem to be more traditional solution they don't have to be boring.



Bathroom accessories. Unique concrete tiles


Those who are afraid to risk buying distinct bathroom appliance can start with some interesting accessories.


Let's begin from the tiles. These are absolutely exceptional.

