The finest wall decorations for kid's room. Universal wallpapers.
As promised I present the examples of my favourite wallpapers appropriate for both boys and girls of different ages.
High-quality wallpapers from Eijffinger Wallpower Mini and Wallpower for Kids collections are well washable and have a better light fastness in comparison to an average wallcovering. They are printed on non-woven (Smartpaper) including all its advantages: no pasting table, no pre-pasting time, applying paste and wallcoverings directly to the wall = easy application.
Night night
Monkey Business
Cuddle Me!
Italian contemporary wallpapers for kid's room by Wall & Deco: Gugu gaga and Aqua elephas
The wall coverings of Mr Perswall are also printed on a strong non-woven material. Mr Perswall is a Swedish wallpaper factory manufacturing an innovative assortment of photowalls, murals and designed feature walls where a client is a part of the design process. Some of the wallpapers for kids are available in non-colour version so the children can colour them at home. Their wall coverings can be found all over the world.
Cartoon city
Jungle dudes, non-colour version
Joyville Whole wide world
Kings and queens
Upper west side by Jeremyville,