Graceful cardboard furniture by Kartooni


The idea of cardboard furniture is nothing new. It's quite old actually. First cardboard furniture appeared in 1920s amongst the works of the designer Gerrit Rietveld. However they had to wait another 60 years to become popular. Since then, they are subject of experiments and source of inspiration for the designers from all over the world.


One of the companies which offer the variety of hand made cardboard furniture is Kartooni. They use the special constructional technique for production, which resemble building a house. A basic construction made of strong corrugated board is covered with a layer of another durable cardboard. Thanks to the construction all reinforcements are invisible and the furnishing remain very light yet sturdy. The raw piece of furniture can be painted, embellished and polished at discretion. For the first sight it's hard to recognize the ready made product as a cardboard made (unless you choose a version of natural cardboard, of course).



Beauty of natural wood in COMBINO collection by BM NATURE


Although I admire new technologies and human inventions, I am a nature enthusiast deep down in my heart. I like the look, the touch and the smell of natural materials, the softness and cosiness they bring into home. I try to surround with wood and stone, with wool and felt and sometimes I risk to get a plant. However it usually do not end happily as plants don't like my company and they very often decide to leave :-( But wooden furniture I have, fortunately accept me.

If you like wood like I do, you may find interesting new collection of BM NATURE, producing exclusive furniture from solid wood and with use of natural veneers. COMBINO collection is addressed to the clients who value high quality and natural beauty of real wood.



Great Timoore “First” furniture collection for newborn, babies and their parents


Being a parent of a newborn is not easy. Not only because of the complete change of life routine and the physical and emotional exhaustion. But also because of information chaos aroused by all friends and relations + books and magazines + tv progs + everything in the NET. Everyone wants to help, everyone gives advices (very often contradictory), everyone knows best. And you get:
a) frustrated
b) lost
c) angry
more then at the beginning. What could help? The common sense, self confidence and keeping distance. And realization that apart form the baby, the parents needs and comfort are very important as well ... and it is worth to take care of them.


Today I would like to write some words about Timoore “First” collection as it offers great furniture solutions not only for newborn and babies to whom it is addressed, but also for their PARENTS.


timoore first collection for newborn babies and parents

Locomoco – children friendly furniture


When your newborn grow up and become preschooler it is a right time for you to rearrange your child's room. The baby's needs and interests change. Either boys or girls who are 2-3 years old like pretending plays, arts & crafts and creating their space personally. And in the next few years your child would go to school and need some place for learning too. You know it is your responsibility to provide a child friendly, safe and stimulating environment. It is quite easy with good designed, which means nice looking, multifunctional and carefully finished furniture Locomoco by XYstudio.


locomoco furniture for kid's room