BABA - beautiful folk storage/puff in a choice of covers


On the one hand I'm a fan of folk design. I like the colours and energy which folk inspired items bring to the interiors.  On the other, I need some smaller or bigger changes in my home every few months. As I am a practical person, I do appreciate the idea of furniture and home accessories which can be easily made over. That is why I decided to introduce BABA.


baba folk inspired puff storage stool

Nice and green storage and stool PLECIAK for kids by Proteindesign


If you are looking for an original idea for a storage and stool to your kid's room, you are in a right place.


PLECIAK by Proteindesign is a hand woven from old newspapers storage/stool which takes recycling newsprint to a whole new level.


pleciak storage stool for kids

Best ideas for decorating walls. Functionality


Nowadays wall decorations are not only to embellish the room but they also perform other functions. If you want to join beauty and functionality you can choose one of the products below.



Yummy design vol. 3


As you can see, there are countless ways of expressing you passion for every kind of food. Get inspired.

